Discussion board



The Initiative's proceedings

The Initiative agrees with the demands of the Millennium Goals as prepared by the UN. The Millennium Goals' key problem lies within the unsolved question of finances and the coordinating organization's missing sanction ability. Furthermore, the absurd incoherence of international organizations such as the ILO, WTO and World bank. The initiative's political agenda plans to influence those decision-makers who are able to effect the installation of an advisory committee to the European Commission. The installation of this committee is a pre-requisite for the start of a process within Europe.

At its end a common European proposal for the implementation of a global eco-social market-economy could be found. Europe, with its far-reaching experience, especially concerning eco-social enlargement processes, can introduce a reliable and promising alternative to the current principle of world order and the current mega-philosophy. Especially in today's situation, in which Europe tries to define its role in world politics, develops a constitution and tries to do justice to its role as the largest common market with 450 million inhabitants, the possibility to win over the European decision-makers for an Eco-social Marshall Plan is concrete.

At the same time, the initiative wholeheartedly wishes to work constructively towards a solution of the question of finances and wishes to introduce its own proposals into the discussion. A substantial component of the initiative's work will be to win over people in politics, the economy and the civil society who take part decidedly in the demand for the installation of the committee to the European commission.

What is necessary to achieve these goals?

To find a European-level consensus on the creation of an Eco-social Marshall Plan, it is necessary to introduce a campaign on a European level. This must be supported by similar national and international campaigns. Furthermore, the approval of enterprises, especially the internationally operating enterprises, needs to be found. A wide support network of NGOs is necessary. For such support to be substantially effective, further considerations on the concrete arrangements of a Global Marshall Plan need to be developed.

Who controls the process and how does it manifest itself?

A network of NGOs controls the process. At this time, it is mainly consists of the “Declaration of Stuttgart” and those prominent persons who have signed this declaration in support.

A basic paper of 12 to 15 pages of the Initiative should present further proposals for the precise arrangements of a Global Marshall Plan. The editorship for this text has been taken over by: Uwe Möller (Secretary General of the Club of Rome), Prof. Dr. Dr. FJ Radermacher (Director of the FAW Ulm), Dr. Josef Riegler (Former Vice-Chancellor of Austria, President of the Eco-Social Forum Europe), Surjo R. Soekadar (project leader of the Global Marshall Initiative), Peter Spiegel (Secretary General of the Club of Budapest).

For the current process we should focus on the following goals:
- more prominent persons have to be won over for sign-ups,
- support has to be found among national and international political institutions and organizations,
- support of national and international economic organizations has to be won,
- relevant NGOs have to be won in support for the process.

Secondary processes

Next to the EU-campaign, secondary campaigns could be initiated on the international level concerning the most important groups of actors. Within this process, the Club of Rome could act as the lead
- Concerning politics within the United Nations,
- Concerning enterprises within the World Business Council on Sustainable Development and
- Concerning NGOs

The next steps

Starting form the initiative's basic text (completed by January 10th, 2004), the next preparing step for a European platform of NGO's to carry the process further along.
This topic may be put into the context of the re-elections to the EU-parliament.
January 30th, 2004 in Brussels has been locked as the first date for the Initiative's expansion to the European level.

