Discussion board



The “Global Marshall Plan“-Initiative started in Frankfurt/Main on May 16, 2003. Its founders were representatives of 14 different Non-Government-Organizations, from the Club of Rome and Germany's BUND, the Club of Budapest and the “Global Contract Foundation” to supporters of “attac” and the German Newspaper “Süddeutsche Zeitung” (SZ).

The GMP initiators are:

Prof. Dr. Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker, MP, Club of Rome
Prof. Dr. Dr. Franz Josef Radermacher, Club of Rome

In addition, many representatives in policy, economy, media and science support the plan. Among these:

Prof. Dr. Dr. Johan Galtung, international scientist for peace and winner of the “Alternate Nobel Prize”
Prinz Al Hassan bin Talal, President Club of Rome
Dr. Franz Alt, TV-Journalist, Bestselling author
Senta Berger, Actress
Dr. Vinod Bhalla, Businessman of the Year USA
Karlheinz Böhm, Menschen für Menschen
René Böll, Künstler, Publisher
Dr. Helga Breuninger, Breuninger Foundation
Dr. Fritz Brickwedde, President Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt
Sir Arthur C. Clarke, Author
Prof. Paul J. Crutzen, Max-Planck Institute f. Chemistry Mainz
Dr. Gudrun Eger-Harsch, Lebenschancen International
Ulrich Martin Drescher, UnternehmensGrün
Prof. Dr. Eugen Drewermann, Theologian
Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Dürr, Physician, Club of Rome
Dr. Peter Eigen, Chairman Transparency International
Prof. Dr. Duane Elgin, Future Scientist, Project Manager for the Millennium-Project
Frithjof Finkbeiner, Global Contract Foundation
Dr. Dietrich Garlichs, Chairman UNICEF Germany
Prof. Dr. Maximilian Gege, Board of B.A.U.M.
Prof. Dr. Hans-Dietrich Genscher, Former German Minister of Foreign Affairs
Dr. Berend Hartnagel, Chairman Global Partnership Hannover
Prof. Dr. Hazel Henderson, Economic Scientist, USA
Konsul Peter Hesse, Entrepreneur, Peter Hesse Foundation
Prof. Dr. Vittorio Giovanni Hösle, Philosopher
Prof. Dr. Margrit Kennedy, City Planer, Future Scientist
Marika Kilius, German Ice-Skater
Prof. Dr. Dr. Ervin Laszlo, President Club of Budapest
Jo Leinen, Member of the European Parliament
Frauke Liesenborghs, Global Challenges Network
Shu-hsien Liu, Philosopher, Club of Budapest
Sandra Maischberger, TV-Presenter
Reinhold Messner, Environmental Activist, Bestselling author
Dr. Eike Messow, Global Contract Foundation
Lady Fiona Montague, Member of the British nobility
Uwe Möller, Secretary-General Club of Rome
Helga und Hans-Jürgen Müller, Project Mariposa
Karl-Heinrich Müller, Entrepreneur, Hombroich Foundation

Dr. Marcia Odell, Guide of the Women´s Empowerment Program, Nepal
Dr. Ute-Henriette Ohoven, UNESCO-Ambassador

Siegfried Pater, Filmmaker and Non-Fiction author

Dr. Josef Riegler, Former Vice-Chancellor of Austria
Wolfgang Riehn, Chairman Yehudi Menuhin Foundation Germany Deutschland
Mary Robinson, Former UN-Commissioner for Human Rights
Bibi Russell, Fashion for Development, Bangladesh
Peter Russell, Bestselling author, Great Britain
Dr. Dr. Hermann Scheer, MP, winner of the “Alternate Nobel Prize”
Friedrich Schorlemmer, Theologian, Publicist
Dr. Irmgard Schwaetzer, Former German Minister, Member of the Friedrich-Naumann-Foundation board
Karl-Ludwig Schweisfurth, Entrepreneur, Schweisfurth Foundation
Peter Spiegel, Secretary-General Club of Budapest
Prof. Dr. Rita Süssmuth, Former President of the German Parliament
Surjo R. Soekadar, Global Contract Foundation
Beate Weber, Mayor of the city of Heidelberg
Prof. Dr. Roul Weiler, Club of Rome, Belgium
Hubert Weinzierl, President in Honour BUND
Prof. Dr. Lutz Wicke, Former Secretary of State in the Ministry of the Environment
Dr. Georg Winter, Entrepreneur, B.A.U.M. & INEM
